Modern Slavery Act Statement

One Avenue Group, and all its subsidiaries is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. The Group and its subsidiaries recognize that modern slavery is a global issue and as a responsible organization, we take our duty to ensure that our business operations and supply chains are free from such unlawful and immoral practices.

This statement of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 sets out our commitment to combating modern slavery and outlines the steps we and our employees take to abide by, maintain and achieve all objectives.

This statement is intended to represent the policy One Avenue Group have in place for best practice in respect of upholding the law and ethical values of the business.

1. Statement of Intent

1.1 One Avenue Group (OAG) and its subsidiaries condemn all forms of modern slavery, including forced labour, human trafficking, debt bondage, and other forms of direct of indirect exploitation.

1.2 OAG is committed to conducting its business in an ethical and socially responsible manner, which includes the implementation of effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking have no place within our operations, practices, and supply chains.

2. Compliance and Due Diligence

2.1 One Avenue Group expects all employees, contractors, and suppliers to adhere to the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and respect for human rights. OAG has trained all senior staff to identify and deal with all issues which may contravene any aspect of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. OAG has and continues to make available training and assistance for all employees who require assistance with any Modern slavery Act issues.

2.2 OAG will conduct due diligence to assess and address the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within our opera8ons and supply chains. This may include reviewing our policies, processes, and supplier contracts to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regula8ons.

2.3 OAG will regularly review and update our due diligence processes to reflect changes in the nature and scale of our business and the risks associated with modern slavery and encouraging equity and respect throughout the business and as between the community, and all other stakeholders.

3 Supplier Engagement

3.3 One Avenue Group will engage with our suppliers to ensure they understand and comply with our expectations regarding modern slavery. All suppliers will be have full access to OAG’s statement which will also be made available online.

3.4 We may from time to time also require suppliers to provide information about their own policies, processes, and controls to combat modern slavery, and we may conduct audits or assessments to verify compliance.

3.5 Suppliers found to be involved in modern slavery practices will be subject to appropriate actions, which may include termination of contracts.

4 Training and Awareness

4.3 We will provide training to our employees and contractors to raise awareness about modern slavery and its signs, as well as their responsibilities in preventing and reporting such practices.

4.4 We will encourage employees and contractors to report any concerns or suspicions regarding modern slavery through established reporting mechanisms, ensuring protection for whistle-blowers.

5 Communication and Transparency

5.3 This Modern Slavery Act will be made readily available to the public on our website.

5.4 We will communicate our commitment to combating modern slavery to all stakeholders, including employees, contractors, suppliers, and customers.

5.5 We will provide updates on our progress in addressing modern slavery through our annual reports or other appropriate channels.

6 Continuous Improvement

6.3 One Avenue Group is committed to continuously improving our practices and processes to combat modern slavery. We will periodically review and update this Modern Slavery Act statement regularly to ensure it remains relevant, effective and aligned with and promotes best practices.